Home/What we do/Data Intelligence

We offer professional IT services for transforming raw data visually intelligible information and knowledge.

We offer professional IT services for transforming raw data
visually intelligible information and knowledge.

  • Our data centric approach allows us to offer services in 4 data disciplines: data integration, data vizualisation, data insight and data management
  • We continue to develop our skills and expertise to help companies implement Decision Support based end-to-end solutions.
  • We have gained an excellent reputation for our technological and functional expertise thanks to our success in providing support to clients to achieve customised solutions.
  • OKTOPUS Consulting and the EDDA Data Unit have a shared set of values, strengths and vision.



Data Integration

Data Integration

Combining heterogeneous data from disparate sources for providing a unified and consistent view of data. Best practices and extensive experience in implementing data movements with various ETL (Extraction Transformation Load) tools are complemented by innovative approaches, such as data virtualization, for real-time cloud data delivery and high volume.


Data Insight

Data Insight

Transform your data into information, information into knowledge, and knowledge into value. Data Insight is the process that aims to transform data into knowledge and knowledge into foresight. All type of data (internal/external, hot/cold…) are eligible to participate data intelligence processes. Mathematical algorithms and machine learning are used to discover knowledge.


Data Visualization

Data Visualization

As more and more data is collected and analyzed, decision makers at all levels prefer to see analytical results displayed using interactive charts and graphs. The maturity of our expertise among all the technologies of the market will let your data become a competitive advantage instead of an underutilized asset.


Data Management

Data Management

The formal orchestration of people, processes, and technologies to enable an organization to leverage data as an enterprise asset. New challenges: decentralized data sources, growing data volumes, speed of data production and complex and interlinked data increase the need of consistent governance with new regulatory processes to ensure individual and collective rights and interests, accountably, auditability…


3 rue de l’industrie L-8399 Windhof

+ 352 28 86 07


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